
What is Digital Transformation by Dr. Rainford Knight

What is Digital Transformation by Dr. Rainford Knight

We’re all familiar with the term Digital Transformation (DT). It’s tossed around as much as AI. Yet most don’t exactly know what DT is. And according to McKinsey research (2021), 70% of DT projects fail. The good news, though, is that the 70% failure rate implies a 30% potential success rate. When we started our DT journey at GA Telesis we were going to be part of the smaller sub-set that succeeded in what we… Read more

Blockchain is Not a Vaccine by Jason Bennick

Blockchain is Not a Vaccine by Jason Bennick

Technology purists today will argue the actual validity for a need, or practical use of, decentralized ledger technology.   In this argument, the purist might also typically assert with snub-nosed confidence that (relatively) everything a blockchain does can be solved with routine development and automation in the cloud.  Fortunately for all of us, this is not the case.  This is why it is important to understand blockchain’s value to business before diving into the hype.    This means having a few… Read more

AI and Blockchain, what’s the hype, and why use them together? by Darryl Marraj

AI and Blockchain, what’s the hype, and why use them together? by Darryl Marraj

Today, no matter what industry you serve, you are probably aware of two buzz-worthy terms: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. As an executive or IT professional, you may be wondering how I can get past the hype and leverage these technologies to create value in my organization? What is AI? Artificial Intelligence or AI simply refers to a machine mirroring human behavior. This behavior can generally be classified to have a narrow or general focus.… Read more